Friday, May 1, 2009

What's on TV?

Hello, Comfy Chair friends, and welcome to a new feature at the cinema.

This movie, "What's on TV," was a long time in the making. It also features some new things for me. It's certainly the most stop-motion I've ever done at a stretch. It's the first time I've built scenery. It's also the first time I've tried to time the action to the music. And the first time I've tried to link scenes together instead of doing one long continuous scene.

It features my toys, most of them are the toys I have around my office at work, a couple are from home.

And now that it's done, I'm going to go rest.

So get a snack from the lobby (sold at a nominal fee), relax, and check out "What's on TV?"


Lily said...

But where were the Christmas specials?

Seriously, that was completely brilliant. Brava!

Bet said...

Well, Lily, the great thing about the subject is room for sequels. And you know there's one Christmas special I have a fair amount of characters for.

Quantum Mechanic said...

How totally odd...I could've sworn I left a comment on this fine piece of work.

Well done, Bet! I look forward to more of this!