Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Great Houndini

Hello, movie fans, welcome to another week at the Comfy Chair Cinema.

This week's movie was a lot of fun to make. It incorporates our largest cast ever, the idea came to us Friday around 11 pm, and moviemaking lasted all night long. We at the Comfy Chair finally went to bed at 6:30 Saturday morning.

Ahhh, nothing like a night shoot.

Our feature stars the one and only, the kind, the genteel, the handsome - Huckleberry Hound.

Please, have a snack from the lobby (sold at a nominal fee, and please don't think we at the Comfy Chair Cinema are not aware that some of you are bringing in your own food from home), grab your comfiest seat, and enjoy "The Great Houndini."

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Holy Cow - who knew that hound was so talented!!

Knives at Mr. Peanut - that just isn't right!