Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sock Puppet Theatre!

Hello old friends and movie chums, and welcome back to the Comfy Chair Cinema. The cinema's been closed for a week because we at the Comfy Chair had other pressing matters. Those are all solved now, we're back, Ethel's back at her post at the popcorn machine, the concession stand's stocked with Lemonheads and Raisinettes (all sold at a nominal fee), and we're ready to serve the movie-going public again.

We here at the Comfy Chair Cinema saw a book in a bookstore (my, how revolutionary) this past week all about sock puppets. We picked it up and thumbed through it, then put it down and left it on the table. But we still had sock puppets on our mind. The Comfy Chair Cinema Chest of Drawers is filled with socks, unmatched and unused.

We figured it was about time we put those socks to good use.

And so that brings us to this week's feature, "Sock Puppet Theatre!" It's not a musical, so there's not really a reason there should be an exclamation point ending the title, but we put one there, and so you'll just have to live with it. The idea behind "Sock Puppet Theatre!" was taking a piece of dialogue (a Bob & Ray sketch is the first thing that came to mind, but since we at the Comfy Chair have already been wrist-slapped once for using someone's music, we nixed that) and having it reenacted by a couple of sock puppets. Well, we here at the Chair just happen to know another two-person dialogue - the Hucklebug Podcast. And so the idea was set.

All that was left was to slap together a couple of sock puppets and let the good times roll.

So please settle in, get your snack at hand (sold in the lobby, etc), and enjoy "Sock Puppet Theatre!" And for a special added treat, keep looking below to see the Special Bonus Outtake!

(By the by, for the first time ever we have here at the Comfy Chair Cinema a movie rated R for profanity. So if there are children present, you may want to send them outside to play.)

1 comment:

Lily said...

Awesome. Do you have to put it on a special section of YouTube for the profanity?

What's really funny is that when it ends and it shows you other stuff you might like, there's lots of shots of Grover and other puppets. I hope Grover doesn't have that kind of pottymouth. Would traumatize the kiddies. Oooh -- Hucklebug topic. What cartoon characters/puppets really say when they're off the air.