Sunday, July 13, 2008

Two Men, Two Clarinets

Hello, Comfy Chairers. Welcome to another week at the cinema.

This week, for the first time, we have a documentary! Filmed at the famed and now possibly annual Mr M Recital, it features Mr M and his friend David N playing a seriously difficult clarinet duet.

We'd been asked by Mr M to mention that the sound quality is quite poor, but we here at the Comfy Chair don't have to do that, because we're not using his recorded version of the piece, we're using ours. And we think our audio is just fine, thanks very much.

By the way, this piece has an added bonus - listen for a chorus of "When the Saints Go Marching In."

So get a musical snack in the lobby, some Bugles, perhaps, and enjoy the music.

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